High school juniors and seniors across the country are asking themselves these questions and UC alumni are helping them find answers through the University of Cincinnati Alumni Recruitment Team (UCART)!
For years, alumni have volunteered to work with the Office of Admissions to represent UC at various college fairs and recruitment programs all over the country through UCART. This year, 9 UCART members attended over 30 college fairs in Chicago, St. Louis, Southeast Michigan, and Columbus to speak with parents and students about what UC has to offer.
Jeff Hopkins ’88 volunteered for the first time this year in Chicago “to direct his pride in and enthusiasm for UC into something that will benefit both UC and those who choose to attend.” Jay Wright has volunteered over the last 5 years in Detroit, Michigan because he says, “It is an unselfish way to pay UC back for all the benefits we received. Second, it is a way to renew your ties to the University and all the other alumni in your area.”
When asked why he continues to serve as a UCART member, Alan Robbins ’76 who enjoys volunteering along with his wife Marla, who is also a UC alumna, for 3 years in St. Louis said, “It’s about giving back and wanting to see the University create a foothold in this city. St. Louis students travel more than 5 hours to attend other colleges and universities, so why not the University of Cincinnati with its broad offerings and excellent programs?”
As a UCART representative, you are able to truly help students who are in the midst of making a decision that will help shape their life. Jon Bloom ‘81 volunteers in Columbus, OH and said, “I absolutely encourage other alumni to get involved in UCART. It’s a great way to give back to the University and I really enjoy it. Many of the students I meet are incredibly bright, successful and articulate. UC would be a better place if many of those students attended.”
The impact our alumni have on the lives of students across the country is incredible! A UCART member in the north and west suburbs of Chicago for eight years, Tom Vick ’69, recalls a time when someone came up to him at a gathering and said, “I know you don’t remember me, but I would really like to thank you for directing my daughter to consider architecture at UC.” The daughter was finishing her first co-op experience and loving her time at UC.
Greg Hopton ’82 finds connecting with high school students in the Detroit Metro to be a very rewarding part of the experience. Greg has had success in reaching out to other parents who graduated from UC and finding that their children were considering becoming Bearcats also.
Becoming a UCART member is a no cost, no obligation way to give back to your university and is the perfect opportunity for young alumni to get involved in their communities.
If you'd like to get involved, please contact Shayna Royal, Admissions Officer or call her at 513-556-2308. Find additional information about the UCART program here: www.admissions.uc.edu/ucart/interestform.